First view of trailer

My trailer is on the way to its final look. Just need to add few more details and cover it with grape vines. But mostly done.
I painted outside with cool blue and inside with ice lavender (for walls as usual I used Benjamin Morre's paint sample jars as they cover wood nicely and sample jar is usually enough for two rooms).
The idea is based on thing from Polish history. In 60's-70's most factories in Poland (oh, come on, all of them actually) belonged to goverment. They had kind of policy, especially the bigger ones. They gave to their employees small pieces of ground usually situated at suburbs. It was supposed to replace all what they were missing from their former lives at the country. So living in small city appartaments they had a chance to grow their veggies, fruits, keep rabbits and chicks and just spend there most of their free time as going on vacation somewhere else were for most of them too expensive. So they were just laborers with their small farms in their leisure time.
They usually build small gardening sheds on those grounds, some could afford more exclusive summerhouse. In some cases they just bought old trailers and addapted it. And that's the way in case of Bob and Elaine. They have this trailer from someone who didn't need it anymore. So they made their gardening shed in there. They have also place for relaxing by warm of potbelly stove. Most of those small gardens didn's have utilities like electricity, running water or else unless You could afford it. So Bob and Elaine still don't have light in there and use outhouse for the bathroom but they don't use anymore the well which stands neglected in the garden as they could afford to install running water lately.
In the trailer You can see potting bench I made from stripwood and pieces of taskboard filled with all gardening neccessities, lunch table ready for two with food made by me, two old armchairs where they can rest, potbelly stove put together from Chrysnobon kit and rusted slightly with acrylic paint, a lot of gardening books and some fishing accessories as Bob likes aside from gardening to go fishing from time to time. They just gathered their leeks so they are ready to take home. You can also notice two framed pictures, one is their wedding picture and the other is their baby long time ago when she was a small girl (just pictures from magazine and jewelry findings for frames).
It will be soon surrounded by garden with some stuff under the trailer also.
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